Welcome to the Media Resource Center

Thank you for your interest in learning more about Victory Junction, our mission and programs. Victory Junction is a year-round camp facility located in Randleman, NC that provides life-changing experiences for children with serious illnesses and chronic medical conditions at no cost to their families. Victory Junction delivers these experiences through summer camp sessions, family weekends, day camps, and partner programs. Victory Junction programming also includes pediatric patient outreach at hospitals, clinics, and other community partner sites throughout the Carolinas and Virginia.

From here you may access background information, press releases and recent media coverage, photos and video B-roll, and organization logos. Our Marketing & Communications team works with news media and digital partners to tell stories about how Victory Junction experiences inspire confidence, foster self-esteem, and build perseverance for the children we serve.

Media Inquiries

Michael Cottingham, Chief Marketing Officer
mcottingham@victoryjunction.org | 336.495.2070