Kyla: Be Your Campself


Dreams lead us to do the unthinkable. The unimaginable. The impossible. Dreams motivate us to overcome obstacles and plow through adversity. They carry us on journeys that lead us to destinations we never envisioned.

For Kyla, her dreams placed her at the World Archery Tournament. Kyla has attended Victory Junction for the past four years. It was during her first year at camp that she was introduced to archery and the instructor Mr. Larry.

“It was Mr. Larry, and the experience I had at camp,” Kyla said. “I was really good at it. I loved it.”

Whenever Kyla shoots, she has Victory Junction on her mind and always applies what she learned at camp from Mr. Larry. Kyla has learned to be her campself.

Kyla’s camp archery experience inspired her to join her school’s archery team. Her team recently competed in the 2016 World Archery Tournament against more than 4,000 students from the United States and Canada. Kyla’s team placed third in the nation.

At Victory Junction, we emphasize the importance of discovering your campself. Your campself has many meanings: being open to new challenges, being the best version of yourself and embracing your dreams.

Your campself isn’t something put on at camp and taken off once you leave the gates of Victory Junction. It is what you see in the mirror every morning when you wake up.

When you are your campself, you inspire others and encourage them to follow their dreams.

Kyla wants to return to Victory Junction as a counselor someday to assist Mr. Larry in teaching campers the art of archery.