A Gift That Keeps Giving
By Tonya Hayes
February 11, 2020
By Tonya Hayes
February 11, 2020
Have you ever wondered what happens to the donations Victory Junction receives through estates, wills, IRAs or other assets? At camp, we understand that making this type of gift is a serious commitment, and we are committed to ensuring your gift has a lasting impact.
Funds from your planned gifts are divided into three portions:
1. Sending children to camp the year the funds are received,
2. Helping pay off any remaining capital costs associated with building camp, and
3. Growing camp’s endowment and providing camp for all the children yet to come.
In 2019, gifts from wills and estates sent over 40 children to camp and increased the endowment by over $200,000. And due to the generosity of planned giving donors, Victory Junction anticipates paying off the reminder of capital debt in 2020.
Planned gifts are key to providing lasting impact and sustainability for Victory Junction.
For more information,contact Tonya Hayes at 336.495.2041 or thayes@victoryjunction.org.