Camp News
Camp Stories

IRAs + DAFs + Stock = BFFs!

October 10, 2019

Everything is better with friends!

Thanks to friends like you, every year Victory Junction is changing the world…one friend at a time. At camp, children in similar medical situations have the chance to bond over heartfelt connections, cabin chats and campfires. As eight year old camper Brady said, “Everything is better with friends.”


One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. This is what makes Victory Junction so special. As new friends Tori and Leigan shared, “I thought I was alone but now I know I’m not.”

Boys with counselor in swimming pool

October is a great time to think about the different ways you can make a difference for camp. Gifts of appreciated stock, a required minimum distribution from your IRA, or even a donor advised fund are examples of tax efficient ways to make a meaningful difference in our campers’ lives.

A gift of at least $2,500 in appreciated stock or other assets will provide an opportunity to make life-long friendships and a week of camp to one child.

As 11 year old Shelby said, “I think the new camp motto should be: Changing the world one friend at a time.” We hope you will help us bring more friends together.


If you have any questions about your gift options, contact Tonya Hayes at
or 336.495.2041, or contact your Financial Advisor or Fund Administrator..